Fly Fishing in Roatan Honduras

Roatan is a Caribbean island off the coast of Honduras and is a paradise for fly fishing enthusiasts. With crystal clear waters and abundant marine life, Roatan offers a unique and thrilling experience for anglers looking to test their skills.
Roatan is home to the three powerhouse species to catch on the fly. Bonefish, permit, and the silver king – tarpon.
Bonefish, known as the ghosts of the flat, are an elusive fish typically found in the shallow flats and are known for their speed and agility. Catching these fish on the fly requires stealth, accuracy, and patience. When one eats your fly get ready to hold on for a wild run!
Arguably the most famous salt water fly fish is the silver king – Tarpon. They are known for aggressive eats, acrobatic jumps, and incredible strength. Most of the tarpon that live in Roatan are smaller fish between 10lbs – 40lbs, which to many is considered the perfect size. Getting a tarpon to hand with a fly rod is considered a true accomplishment and considered by many anglers to be the ultimate trophy. Tarpon are primarily night feeders and can be difficult to find at times, but with a good rain and muddy waters they consistently come out to play.
Ah, yes. Permit. To us here at Roatan On The Fly, this is the ultimate trophy. These fish are unbelievably fast, smart, and equipped with large eyes to detect potential threats. They have been driving fly anglers to the point of insanity for decades. To many of our guests this is a once in a lifetime fish. To maximize your odds we recommend visiting in July, August, or September. These months produce larger tides which allow offshore fish to come closer to feed on the now deeper flats. However, we still see these fish year round and get shots at them frequently.
Roatan offers a variety of fly fishing opportunities for anglers of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced angler, fly fishing in Roatan is an unforgettable experience.